Which of the Following Is Not an Action That a Company Can Take

Y'all've just been talking to a new client and you're really excited about their project. You know you're going to exist able to deliver some keen results for them – and you can run into they're excited, too.

But your excitement turns to confusion, and then annoyance, and then panic, when you lot realise it'due south been several days and y'all oasis't heard dorsum from them. Not a word. Not a peep.

We've all been there before. Yous take a groovy kick-off call with your new client and equally the telephone call ends, they say they'll be in touch later on this week once they've had a chance to sign off on your proposal.

Astonishing. But then, something strange happens.

You give it until the end of the week, only no electronic mail comes through. You check again on Monday morning, but unfortunately, there's still no sign of them. You ship off a lighthearted follow-upwardly that afternoon just to no avail—it only disappears off into net.

When this happens, you lot can't help but panic.

Was information technology that joke I attempted to crack on the call? Was it my background on Zoom?

And present, your panic might not be limited to poorly delivered wisecracks or calendars that are *ahem* non to anybody's tastes.

Expect—have they suddenly fallen ill?

When a client doesn't respond, information technology can lead to endless doubts and questions. That's why you demand to follow up with them, so that you tin effigy out exactly what's happened and assist get them back on runway with the original plan. But how can you follow up without sounding rude, desperate, or downright abrasive?

Below, we explore when to ship a follow-up email and give you a number of potential templates to utilise co-ordinate to a variety of different circumstances.

Why don't clients answer? 5 things to consider before sending a follow-up electronic mail How long you should expect earlier post-obit upward? viii email follow up templates for every situation

Why don't clients respond?

Hearing radio silence from a new client is unnerving to say the to the lowest degree, peculiarly when you're a customer-axial system. This rejection, fifty-fifty if it is only temporary, might well sting.

So first things first, relax.

Retrieve that no thing how excited a client is to piece of work with y'all, they've also probably got one,001 other things going on. Your email might've got lost in their inbox or perhaps they're busy dealing with other pressing matters.

This happens. As dissentious every bit it is to our ego, we need to remember that we're not always priority #1.

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This sort of "It'due south not me, information technology'southward them" mentality is quite comforting, but of course, this might not actually be the case.

Maybe they've discussed your impending projects with their colleagues and have identified a couple of potential roadblocks. Maybe they're pending sign-off from their manager. Maybe their accounts team has told them that if they're going to proceed with yous, then they need to come up with cost-savings in other areas.

In that location are all sorts of reasons why a customer might not answer in a timely manner. Don't let your imagination run away from you—simply brand certain that you touch base of operations with them and then yous can get the brawl rolling.

5 things to consider before sending a follow-upwards email

There are 5 golden rules to keep in mind when because whether or not to ship over a follow-up email.

one. Be persistent, but not annoying

Clients really are busy—they're not only proverb that for the sake of information technology.

This means it may take a few follow-upwardly touchpoints to prompt a response. Make sure to leave at least half a week betwixt your follow-ups, if non longer. Remember to exist courteous and considerate in your follow-ups—it's never a good idea to lambast a client for not being equally punctual equally you'd hoped.

Recognise that you lot're non e'er your clients' top priority and gently remind them to get back in touch whenever they're ready to proceed.

Don't take upwardly besides much of a customer's time chasing responses. If they audio busy, don't keep them on the telephone. Try to get small details sorted out via e-mail, text, phone, or Slack. Communicate with them in whatever fashion is easiest for them (rather than insisting on doing things your manner).

2. Don't be afraid to pick upwardly the phone

The vast majority of service professionals communicate solely via electronic mail. Emails are great. After all, they allow clients to answer when it'due south convenient for them, they can take their time composing the appropriate response, and it provides an irrefutable log of all dorsum-and-forth.

However, it's a lot easier for your email to get lost in a customer's inbox (or to be read just promptly forgotten about) then it is for a client to ignore a phone call. If your emails seem to continually go lost in a vacuum, then it'south probably time to hop on the phone.

0720 Client Not Responding Suportingimage2

iii. Automate when you can

Clients aren't the only ones who are busy—so why waste unnecessary time, energy, and sanity composing follow-up emails when you can only automate the procedure?

For case, our 'Proposal Reminders' feature allows you to transport reminders to clients who are still withal to take your original proposal. You lot can choose how many days to expect until you send a reminder and select the full number of reminders to send out until they accept your proposal (with each reminder sent out at 5-twenty-four hour period-long intervals).

4. Always requite the client a call-to-action

CTAs help remind a client of what exactly you need from them — whether it'south some key information, an answer to your question, sign-off on a project, or whatever else information technology may exist.

Giving the client clear instructions helps them to action things from their end as quickly as possible. Common cold Emailing recommends making the call-to-action equally directly every bit possible so that y'all can avert any potential confusion.

5. Brand sure yous really need to follow upwardly

Business author Laura Spencer recommends checking you oasis't already received a respond from the client. Information technology might have disappeared in your email, or they may have contacted someone else in the team.

Follow-ups tin be awkward plenty as it is — allow alone if you made a mistake and really did receive a reply from them. So before you charge off and send a brusque "As per my previous message…" e-mail, only double cheque that you haven't already received their response (and don't forget to check the spam and trash folders!).

How long you should wait before following up?

Information technology'southward hard to know exactly when y'all should follow upward if y'all haven't heard from a customer. On the one manus, you desire to keep on top of things and make certain y'all don't lose their interest. On the other hand, you lot don't want to seem too pushy.

Here are some basic guidelines:

  • Appraise the urgency. If a client hasn't responded virtually a project that's due to be completed by the end of the week, then possibly send a follow-upwardly a day or 2 later your original message. However, if they haven't got dorsum to y'all nearly your availability for a project in a month's time, then consider waiting a week or then.
  • Rely on context. Small talk at the beginning of a meeting can provide you lot with invaluable information. Maybe a client apologises for joining the phone call late and explains they've been in back-to-back meetings, or perhaps they casually mention that they're preparing for a big company-wide initiative that's nigh to launch. If this is the case, get out more than fourth dimension between follow-ups. Non only will this make your electronic mail less likely to get lost in the sauce, but it'll also ensure that y'all don't end up annoying them during a really busy fourth dimension.
  • Give all proposals a week. In general, wait a week before following-up on a proposal that you've sent over. Proposals might require sign-off from different stakeholders, and you want to brand certain that the proposal has been thoroughly read through earlier a customer goes ahead and signs it off.

In that location are no hard-and-fast rules for when to follow up with a customer. Still, the to a higher place guidelines should aid steer you in the right management.

eight email follow up templates for every state of affairs

We've created a range of follow-upward e-mail templates to help y'all go an answer from your more than non-responsive clients. Simply tweak the details (proper name, accost, etc.) and they're ready to go.

1. Post initial client meeting

This electronic mail is ideally suited for following up after an initial coming together. Information technology gives the client a list of action steps and keeps a proactive tone that gives off the sense that you're already in partnership together.

Subject: Kickstart meeting activity points and next steps

Howdy NAME,

It was lovely to run into y'all and the team today, and to learn more about BUSINESS Proper noun and your goals with this project.

I've put together a listing of action points based on our meeting:

For our team:

  • Activity Bespeak ONE
  • Activeness POINT TWO

For Business Proper name team:

  • Activeness Point I
  • ACTION Indicate TWO

Tin you please reply to confirm that this is right (and that I haven't missed anything)?

I've got a follow-up meeting scheduled for 3PM on Tuesday 21st. Let me know if this doesn't work for you and we can try to reschedule to a more convenient time.

If you accept any questions, please don't hesitate to go in affect.


YOUR Proper noun

2. Afterwards you send a proposal and don't hear back

The customer has outlined their projection and asked y'all to send over a detailed proposal (perhaps by using Exercise Ignition's proposal management software). Yous're excited to bring a new client on board and so become onto this right away, but you never end up hearing back from them.

As frustrating as this is, don't worry—the beneath email should help kickstart the procedure.

Subject: Got whatever questions virtually the proposal?


Concluding week I sent through the proposal doc you asked for as role of your website redesign project. I hadn't heard dorsum from you lot since and and then I just wanted to cheque in and ask if y'all have any questions?

In any instance, I'd love to organise a quick phone call to talk information technology over in more detail. Would Tuesday at 3PM work for you lot? I'm really excited about the project and am peachy to get it started equally soon every bit possible!


YOUR Proper noun

3. When they don't transport you the documents/info you need to get started

You require key information from the client before y'all tin can begin your piece of work, but the clock is ticking down and they nonetheless haven't sent information technology through.

This email clearly outlines the urgency of the thing and reminds the client of precisely what it is that they're supposed to send beyond.

Subject: URGENT: Bookkeeping package—I need these signed to get started

Hello NAME,

I'one thousand bang-up to become started on your accounts. I want to make sure that information technology's all finished up in time for your borderline, but at the moment, we're stalled.

In order to go started, I demand the following documents/need yous to fill up out the following documents, which I've attached to this email.

  3. Document C

Delight admit that you're working on these and that y'all'll get them to me past DATE. If y'all have any questions or want some clarity around why we need these documents, I'grand happy to jump on a call.



iv. When their payment is overdue

It tin can become pretty bad-mannered when you take to arrive touch with a client and ask why y'all haven't been paid yet. Invoices unremarkably don't get lost, but they may well be forgotten (sitting within a mountain of paperwork on the accounts department's desk).

The email below avoids an accusatory tone and gently reminds the customer to chase this upward with their accounts squad.

Subject: Late payment: Did y'all miss the invoice?


I'm simply post-obit-upward on unpaid invoices and noticed that you've still to make payment on INV-0023, which was sent to you lot on DATE.

Since I haven't received payment, I just wanted to check in and make sure the invoice hadn't got lost? I know that they tin sometimes be sent to 'Spam' folders, or perhaps your accounts team is really busy correct now, so I've gone alee and attached information technology here again for your convenience.

However, given that this invoice is at present fifteen days overdue, y'all'll demand to make payment inside the next Ten days if you wish to avoid the overdue payment fee of 10% added to the bill.

Yours sincerely,

YOUR Proper noun

five. After you transport a common cold e-mail to generate sales

Cold calling tin exist a daunting sales technique, merely it's withal very constructive. Nonetheless, it'due south worth highlighting that you risk losing a lead from common cold calling if you don't follow up with them within a few days.

Indeed, according to Brevet, 80% of sales crave 5 follow-upwards calls later on the initial meeting—and so don't worry, it's not just yous who occasionally struggles to turn positive meetings into signed-off proposals.

This e-mail offers a useful piece of content equally a way to keep the conversation going and build trust with the lead.

Subject: Here'due south that business guide we were discussing on the telephone.


It was great to chat with you the other day and find out more than nearly your goals for Business organization Proper name.

I'm just following up with a link to that guide for growing a successful small business that we discussed on the phone. You can discover information technology HERE. Based on what you told me about your marketing strategies this year, I think yous'll find department iii particularly useful.

Let me know if you enjoyed the content!


YOUR Proper name

6. To revive common cold leads

Once leads take been marked as cold, it tin exist tough to bring them back again. However, at 1 time, this person was seriously because your services—so in that location's a real benefit in reaching out to them again.

The fundamental dominion here is to nowadays them with an offer. This gives y'all the perfect "excuse" to email and may provide the incentive to go them to finally catechumen. Even better, label it as an exclusive offering and explain that they're the only ones to benefit from it. This volition make them feel special and will show that you're willing to go higher up and beyond to win their concern.

Subject field: Special 25% discount for BUSINESS Proper noun

Hullo NAME

I hope you're well and that you remember me—we chatted a few months back about bookkeeping packages for your business organization, merely you unfortunately decided not to pursue working with our exercise.

I've since been able to speak to my squad nigh offering you an sectional 25% discount on all our fees. I hope that this goes some mode to showing but how keen I am to work with Business organisation NAME.

Please browse through our different packages Hither [link], and I'd be more than happy to ready a telephone call when it's convenient to talk over your options further.



seven. Closing the loop

If you've tried several times to achieve out, both past email and phone, and yous've received no response, and so it'south fourth dimension to "break upwardly" with your client. This sometimes happens during the initial proposal stage—perhaps the customer was talking to several companies and chose a competitor, or they've simply decided not to go ahead with the project.

Annoyingly, they may not actually end up notifying you of their decision—instead, they'll simply move on and won't respond your queries.

Rude? A little. Common behaviour? About definitely.

Your final message should exist an email, letter, or telephone call to officially "close the loop." This gives your client a final chance to respond, but also gives you some closure.

Subject: Sorry that it didn't work out this fourth dimension around

How-do-you-do Proper noun,

I nevertheless oasis't heard back from you about your projection, and so I'm assuming that your priorities have inverse and that you no longer desire to get alee with it.

Please keep the states in listen if you lot want to move forward at any point in the future.



8. Cheque again in six months

Projects are delayed and rescheduled all the time, so you lot may well face a situation where a customer asks you to check back in after a few months' time.

As frustrating as this may be, it's just the style the world works—and so go ahead and add these clients to a "follow-upward" folder in your email list and set a reminder to get dorsum in touch in X number of months. It's besides worth asking them if there'southward anything that you can do to bring them on board in one case and for all.

For example, they might ask you to cheque dorsum in side by side quarter so that they tin squeeze this project into their squad'due south budget. If this is the case and so you lot could e'er consider offering them a special disbelieve so that you tin can begin the work this quarter.

Here's a potential six-month follow-upward email that you lot could try:

Hello Name,

I hope y'all're well and that you remember me. We spoke six months agone about an accounting package for your business organization, but y'all mentioned that y'all needed a few months to grow the business earlier y'all were set.

I can encounter from your brand new website (great design, by the way!) that things are ticking over nicely. I wondered if you'd had a chance to look over the accounting package that I sent you previously?

Information technology would be bang-up to put some time in the diary where we can take a catch up almost your electric current needs. How does Tuesday at 3PM sound?




If a client suddenly goes cold then don't worry or start to blame yourself. There are a myriad of reasons why this might have happened. Perhaps they're busy running their own business, they're in the midst of some large company-wide initiatives, or they have some personal issues to attend to.

If this is the instance, then follow up. Clients will appreciate you taking the fourth dimension to get back in touch with them—fifty-fifty if they can't progress things right at present—and it shows that you're genuinely interested in working with them. Follow-ups might not ever get you lot the right consequence, merely they're always the correct thing to do.

If you're looking for a tool that will help brand follow-ups a walk in the park, as well as providing yous with an all-encompassing toolkit to become more customer-centric and more efficient, and so start a Free trial today. We'd love to hear from y'all.


Source: https://www.ignitionapp.com/blog/follow-up-emails-after-no-response-from-client

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