what happens to excess glucose in the body quizlet

When the level of glucose in the blood rises, insulin is produced. This substance helps glucose to movement from the blood to the muscle tissue. When insulin performs this of import role, its level drops sharply to normal.

When a woman grows quondam

... Insulin can no longer perform its role as well as before. Insulin receptors are weakened, they tin no longer bind glucose and carry it throughout the body.

And then the level of insulin does not decrease after fulfilling its role. Moreover, it affects glucose very desperately, in other words, it is of little use from him.

The level of glucose in the torso remains still high, peculiarly subsequently eating. This situation immediately reacts to the brain, which sends signals to the pancreas, so that it produces more insulin for processing and suppressing the level of glucose.

And then the body cells and claret are filled with insulin, it becomes very much, much more than normal. It delivers glucose to cells, and its blood level is significantly reduced.

Recurrent hypoglycaemia

This reaction physicians call recurrent hypoglycemia. This is a condition in which the level of sugars in the blood is significantly reduced. From this, a person feels bouts of savage hunger, he can vomit, on the forehead and olfactory organ bridge act sweat, dizzy, heartbeat quickens, a feeling that the heart pops up.

This status can be stopped only for a while, eating sweets and flour. And then everything starts again.

Considering of the elevated glucose level a person feels sluggish, broken weak, quickly gets tired, does not sleep well. And once more - a roughshod circle: insulin becomes more than, glucose - less. And so the person once again has a cold sweat and all the other symptoms listed above.

If the adult female is in the period before the menopause

... It can likewise be dumb by changes in the menstrual bike. There is an incorrect ratio of hormones and, equally a result, a poor land of wellness.

If a woman has institute all these mood swings and other symptoms in her room, it'due south time to see an endocrinologist for a consultation. Do not write off your status just for fatigue and life in constant stress.

By this additional sign, you tin determine whether a adult female has insulin resistance, that is, insulin resistance. Beginning of all, you need to measure the waist. If your waist is more 83 cm, then it's fourth dimension to sound an alarm and conduct tests for insulin resistance and blood glucose levels.

What is insulin resistance?

Excess of insulin in the blood leads to an increment in fat deposits and weight gain. This glucose is stored in the form of fat, instead of giving you energy for life.

With insulin resistance, this substance is no longer able to transport glucose to musculus cells, so there is a precipitous ambition - more than usual. It seems that a person is undernourished, but it is not.

In addition, glucose, non penetrating into cells, but remaining in the blood, does not give the body sufficient vital energy. And then a paradoxical state of affairs arises: in that location is a lot of glucose in the blood, but y'all withal want to swallow brutally. And yous eat: it'due south very difficult to fight with hunger. So, you go better.

In this case, glucose with an backlog of fat cells, and the corporeality of fat in the body increases. But the cells demand "fuel" once more and again. They receive it, separate and grow. Here whence at women at insensitivity to an insulin appears superfluous weight. Even though yous minimize the calories in your carte du jour.

Effects of insulin resistance

  1. Weakening of amnesty
  2. Openness to infections and colds due to weak amnesty
  3. The buildup of muscle tissue inside the walls of the arteries, because of what the blood flow slows downwards, and claret does not get to the internal organs badly, depriving them of useful substances.
  4. Plaques in the arteries, which increases the risk of heart attacks
  5. Platelets (blood cells) begin to stick together, which increases the gamble of blood clots.

You accept already realized that with an increase in the level of glucose in the blood, a person risks non only gaining excess weight - serious problems with blood vessels and eye may beginning. It is very likely the occurrence of a heart attack or another middle assail.

This condition is exacerbated by the emergence of the then-called syndrome X.

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Syndrome 10

This is a complex disease that is associated with a metabolic disorder. Specially oft it affects women. Syndrome X is still a deadly quintet. That is, its deadly components are equally follows.

  • Increased Insulin Level
  • Immunity to information technology
  • High blood pressure level
  • Weight gain (peculiarly in the hips and waist area)
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • Elevated rates of triglycerides
  • At the level of behavior - increased anxiety, restless sleep

Syndrome 10 in other words is also called Due west syndrome, only its event is much narrower - this disease is defined past doctors as a disease of women. Symptoms of it are the same as in the syndrome of H.

How to foreclose insulin immunity?

If a woman has enough estradiol (a female person hormone) in the torso, and then insulin resistance volition come up less likely. This is because estradiol has the power to ameliorate the response of cells to the intake of insulin in them.

Merely the trouble is: when insulin resistance develops, information technology affects the work of the ovaries, which, information technology turns out, have insulin receptors inside.

Insulin, moving inside the ovaries, changes the hormones that the ovaries produce. For example, androgen begins to be produced more than estradiol, a female hormone. A beta-estrola, which has the ability to participate in controlling weight, is getting smaller.

When androgen in the female body is too much, the glucose level becomes very difficult to control. Insulin is produced even more than, like fatty deposits.

Such a trouble can occur at any age, fifty-fifty in women under 30.

A adult female in menopause and insulin

Such an imbalance of hormones, as we described in a higher place, can occur in women later the onset of menopause. They have a lot of androgens in the body, estradiol is catastrophically small, and testosterone no longer performs its beneficial functions.

Due to the fact that androgen suppressing the action of female hormones, it becomes likewise much, fat deposits accumulate and the woman recovers.

And this weight is already difficult to control. Fatty deposits mainly ascend in the waist and abdomen, and the figure of a woman becomes more like a man'southward.

If a woman is withal on diets, the pancreas starts to produce even more insulin. Information technology contributes to the fact that fats continue to be deposited, and fifty-fifty on the walls of the organs. This so-called visceral fatty, which is non very noticeable at outset in shape forms, but significantly increases weight and leads to poor health.

At the same time, the insulin resistance of the body is becoming more than and more axiomatic.

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To prevent this state of affairs, you need to do the following

  • Eat regularly and in regular portions
  • Do not eat much in the evenings - it leads to an increment in insulin levels in the claret and fat deposits resulting from
  • Do not eat foods with a lot of carbohydrates (sweet, flour) - this increases the level of insulin
  • Do sport

And, of course, be sure to be examined by a doctor - this will give y'all the opportunity to see the total picture of your health


Source: https://iliveok.com/food/what-happens-body-when-glucose-level-rises_113845i15885.html

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