what to do if condom breaks and your on nuvaring

Who should not use NuvaRing?

Do not use NuvaRing if you:

  • Smoke and are over 35 years old
  • Have or take had blood clots in your arms, legs, eyes, or lungs
  • Have an inherited problem with your blood that makes it clot more than than normal
  • Have had a stroke
  • Have had a heart attack
  • Have certain heart valve problems or heart rhythm problems that tin can cause blood clots to class in the heart
  • Have high blood pressure that medicine can't control
  • Accept diabetes with kidney, middle, nerve, or claret vessel damage
  • Take sure kinds of severe migraine headaches with aureola, numbness, weakness, or changes in vision, or have whatever migraine headaches if you are over historic period 35
  • Take whatever Hepatitis C drug combination containing ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir, with or without dasabuvir. This may increase levels of the liver enzyme "alanine aminotransferase" (ALT) in the blood
  • Have unexplained vaginal bleeding
  • Are meaning or think you may be pregnant. NuvaRing is non for pregnant women
  • Accept or accept had breast cancer or any cancer that is sensitive to female hormones
  • Are allergic to etonogestrel, ethinyl estradiol or any of the ingredients in NuvaRing. See the list of ingredients in NuvaRing in the Patient Information.

Hormonal birth command methods may non exist a expert choice for you lot if you have ever had jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes) acquired by pregnancy or related to previous apply of hormonal nativity control.

Tell your wellness care provider if y'all have e'er had any of the conditions listed above. Your health care provider can suggest another method of nativity control.

What should I tell my health intendance provider before using NuvaRing?

Earlier you use NuvaRing tell your health care provider if you lot:

  • Have whatever medical conditions
  • Smoke
  • Are pregnant or think you are significant
  • Recently had a infant
  • Recently had a miscarriage or abortion
  • Take a family history of chest cancer
  • Take or take had breast nodules, fibrocystic disease, an abnormal breast x-ray, or abnormal mammogram
  • Apply tampons and take a history of toxic shock syndrome
  • Accept been diagnosed with depression
  • Have had liver issues including jaundice during pregnancy
  • Have or accept had elevated cholesterol or triglycerides
  • Accept or accept had gallbladder, liver, eye, or kidney illness
  • Have diabetes
  • Accept a history of jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes) caused by pregnancy (also called cholestasis of pregnancy)
  • Take a history of scanty or irregular menstrual periods
  • Have any condition that makes the vagina go irritated easily
  • Have or accept had loftier blood pressure
  • Have or have had migraines or other headaches or seizures
  • Are scheduled for surgery. NuvaRing may increase your take chances of blood clots after surgery. You should stop using NuvaRing at least iv weeks before y'all accept surgery and not restart it until at least 2 weeks later your surgery.
  • Are scheduled for whatever laboratory tests. Certain blood tests may be afflicted by hormonal nativity control methods.
  • Are breastfeeding or program to breastfeed. Hormonal birth control methods that comprise estrogen, like NuvaRing, may decrease the amount of milk you brand. A small amount of hormones from NuvaRing may laissez passer into your chest milk. Consider some other non-hormonal method of nascency control until you are ready to cease breastfeeding.
  • Have (or take e'er had) an allergic reaction while using NuvaRing, including hives, swelling of the confront, lips, tongue, and/or throat causing difficulty in animate or swallowing (anaphylaxis and/or angioedema)

Tell your health care provider about all medicines and herbal products you accept, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

Some medicines and herbal products may make hormonal birth control less constructive, including, merely non limited to:

  • Certain anti-seizure medicines (such as barbiturates, carbamazepine, felbamate, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, rufinamide and topiramate).
  • Medicine to care for fungal infections (griseofulvin)
  • Certain combinations of HIV medicines (such as nelfinavir, ritonavir, darunavir/ritonavir, (fos)amprenavir/ritonavir, lopinavir/ritonavir and tipranavir/ritonavir)
  • Sure hepatitis C (HCV) medicines (such as boceprevir and telaprevir)
  • Not-nucleoside contrary transcriptase inhibitors (such equally efavirenz and nevirapine)
  • Medicine to treat tuberculosis (such as rifampicin and rifabutin)
  • Medicine to treat high claret pressure in the vessels of the lung (bosentan)
  • Medicine to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (aprepitant)
  • St John's wort

Use an additional barrier contraceptive method (such every bit a male person safe with spermicide) when y'all have medicines that may make NuvaRing less effective. Since the effect of another medicine on NuvaRing may last upwards to 28 days later on stopping the medicine, it is necessary to employ the additional bulwark contraceptive method for that long to aid prevent you from condign significant. While using NuvaRing, you should non utilise certain female barrier contraceptive methods such as a vaginal diaphragm, cervical cap or female safe as your back-up method of birth control because NuvaRing may interfere with the correct placement and position of a diaphragm, cervical cap or female condom.

Some medicines and grapefruit juice may increase the level of ethinyl estradiol in your claret if used together, including:

  • The pain reliever acetaminophen
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • Medicines that impact how your liver breaks downwards other medicines (such equally itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole, fluconazole, clarithromycin, erythromycin and diltiazem)
  • Certain HIV medicines (atazanavir/ritonavir and indinavir)
  • Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (such as etravirine)
  • Medicines to lower cholesterol such as atorvastatin and rosuvastatin

Hormonal birth control methods may collaborate with lamotrigine, a medicine used for seizures. This may increase the risk of seizures, so your health care provider may need to adjust your dose of lamotrigine.

Women on thyroid replacement therapy may need increased doses of thyroid hormone.

Enquire your health intendance provider if you are not sure if you take any of the medicines listed higher up. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your health care provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.

What are the possible risks and side effects of NuvaRing?

Claret clots:

Similar pregnancy, combination hormonal nascency control methods increase the risk of serious claret clots (see graph beneath), particularly in women who have other adventure factors, such as smoking, obesity, or historic period greater than 35. This increased take a chance is highest when you first starting time using a combination hormonal nativity control method or when you restart the same or different combination hormonal nativity command method afterwards not using it for a month or more than. Talk with your wellness care provider well-nigh your risk of getting a blood clot before using NuvaRing or before deciding which blazon of nascence control is right for you.

In some studies of women who used NuvaRing, the risk of getting a blood jell was similar to the risk in women who used combination birth control pills.

Other studies have reported that the gamble of claret clots was higher for women who use combination birth control pills containing desogestrel (a progestin similar to the progestin in NuvaRing) than for women who use combination birth command pills that do not incorporate desogestrel.

It is possible to dice or be permanently disabled from a problem acquired past a blood clot, such as heart attack or stroke. Some examples of serious blood clots are blood clots in the:

  • Legs (deep vein thrombosis)
  • Lungs (pulmonary embolus)
  • Eyes (loss of eyesight)
  • Heart (eye attack)
  • Brain (stroke)

To put the adventure of developing a claret clot into perspective: If x,000 women who are not pregnant and do not utilise hormonal birth control are followed for one year, between 1 and 5 of these women will develop a blood clot. The figure beneath shows the likelihood of developing a serious blood clot for women who are not meaning and do non use hormonal birth control, for women who utilize hormonal birth control, for pregnant women, and for women in the first 12 weeks subsequently delivering a babe.

Likelihood of Developing a Serious Claret Clot (Venous Thromboembolism [VTE])

*CHC = combination hormonal contraception **Pregnancy data based on actual duration of pregnancy in the reference studies. Based on a model supposition that pregnancy duration is 9 months, the rate is 7 to 27 per 10,000 woman-years.

Call your health care provider right abroad if you take:

  • Leg pain that does non become abroad
  • Sudden shortness of jiff
  • Sudden blindness, fractional or consummate
  • Astringent pain or pressure in your chest
  • Sudden, astringent headache unlike your usual headaches
  • Weakness or numbness in an arm or leg, or problem speaking
  • Yellowing of the peel or eyeballs

Other serious risks include:

  • Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Some of the symptoms are much the same equally the flu, but they tin become serious very quickly. Call your health care provider or get emergency treatment correct abroad if y'all have the following symptoms:
  • Sudden loftier fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • A sunburn-similar rash
  • Muscle aches
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting or feeling faint when standing up
  • Allergic reaction, including hives, swelling of the confront, lips, tongue, and/or throat causing difficulty in breathing or swallowing (anaphylaxis and/or angioedema)
  • Liver issues, including liver tumors
  • High claret pressure level
  • Gallbladder bug
  • Accidental insertion into bladder
  • Symptoms of a problem chosen angioedema if you already accept a family history of angioedema

The well-nigh common side furnishings of NuvaRing are:

  • Tissue irritation within your vagina or on your cervix
  • Headache (including migraine)
  • Mood changes (including depression, particularly if you lot had low in the past). Call your health care provider immediately if you have whatsoever thoughts of harming yourself.
  • NuvaRing issues, including the ring slipping out or causing discomfort
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Vaginal belch
  • Weight gain
  • Vaginal discomfort
  • Breast pain, discomfort, or tenderness
  • Painful menstrual periods
  • Abdominal pain
  • Acne
  • Less sexual desire

Some women have spotting or light bleeding during NuvaRing use. If these symptoms occur, do not finish using NuvaRing. The problem volition normally go abroad. If it doesn't go away, bank check with your wellness care provider.

Other side effects seen with NuvaRing include breast discharge; vaginal injury (including pain, discomfort, and bleeding) associated with cleaved rings; and penis discomfort of the partner (such every bit irritation, rash, itching).

Less common side effects seen with combination hormonal birth control include:

  • Blotchy darkening of your skin, specially on your face up
  • Loftier blood sugar, especially in women who already have diabetes
  • High fat (cholesterol, triglycerides) levels in the blood

At that place have been reports of the ring becoming stuck to the vaginal tissue and having to be removed by a healthcare provider. Phone call your healthcare provider if you lot are unable to remove your NuvaRing.

Tell your health care provider about any side event that bothers you lot or that does not go away. These are not all the possible side effects of NuvaRing. For more than data, inquire your health care provider or chemist. Call your health care provider for medical advice about side furnishings. You may written report side effects to FDA at i-800-FDA-1088.

How effective is NuvaRing?

When used as directed, NuvaRing has been shown to be 98% effective, just like the pill. Your chance of getting pregnant depends on how well yous follow the directions for using NuvaRing. The better yous follow the directions, the less take chances you have of getting pregnant.

How should I utilise NuvaRing?

Employ NuvaRing exactly every bit your health intendance provider tells yous to use information technology.

  • NuvaRing is used in a 4-week cycle.
  • Insert ane NuvaRing in the vagina and proceed it in identify for 3 weeks (21 days). Regularly check that NuvaRing is in your vagina (for example, before and later on intercourse) to ensure that yous are protected from pregnancy.
  • Remove the NuvaRing for a i-week pause (7 days). During the 1-calendar week break (7 days), you volition usually have your flow. Annotation: Insert and remove NuvaRing on the same day of the week and at the aforementioned time:
  • For case, if you insert your NuvaRing on a Monday at 8:00 AM, you should remove it on the Monday 3 weeks later at 8:00 AM.
  • Later on your 1-week break (7 days), you should insert a new NuvaRing on the next Monday at viii:00 AM.
  • While using NuvaRing, you lot should not use certain female barrier contraceptive methods such as a vaginal diaphragm, cervical cap or female condom as your back-up method of nascence control because NuvaRing may interfere with the correct placement and position of a diaphragm, cervical cap or female condom.
  • Use of spermicides or vaginal yeast products will not make NuvaRing less effective at preventing pregnancy.
  • Apply of tampons will not brand NuvaRing less effective or stop NuvaRing from working.
  • If NuvaRing has been left within your vagina for more 4 weeks (28 days), you may not be protected from pregnancy and you should see your health intendance provider to be sure y'all are not pregnant. Until yous know the results of your pregnancy test, y'all should use an extra method of birth control, such every bit male condoms with spermicide, until the new NuvaRing has been in place for vii days in a row.
  • Practise not use more than 1 NuvaRing at a time. Also much hormonal birth command medicine in your body may cause nausea, vomiting, or vaginal bleeding.

Will NuvaRing dissolve?

No. NuvaRing is non-biodegradable then it volition non deliquesce. It releases a low dose of hormones into your body over the class of 3 weeks. Subsequently that time, y'all need to remove it, take a calendar week off from NuvaRing, and insert a new i 7 days after removal.

How practise I insert and remove NuvaRing?

NuvaRing is easy to insert and remove:

  • Manual insertion: After washing and drying your hands, remove NuvaRing from the foil pouch. Proceed the foil pouch for proper disposal of the ring after use. Holding NuvaRing between your pollex and index finger, press the sides together while lying down, squatting, or standing with one leg up—whatever is most comfortable for yous. Gently push the folded ring into your vagina. If you experience discomfort after inserting NuvaRing (etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol vaginal ring), slide it farther in until it feels comfortable. Once inserted in the vagina, at that place is no risk of NuvaRing being pushed too far up or getting lost. Some women have accidently inserted NuvaRing into their float. If you take pain during or after insertion and you cannot find NuvaRing in your vagina, telephone call your health care provider correct away. Regularly check that NuvaRing is in your vagina (for example, before and after intercourse) to ensure yous are protected from pregnancy.

For more data, run into Inserting NuvaRing or refer to the Patient Information.

  • Removing NuvaRing: Remove the ring 3 weeks (21 days) after insertion on the same solar day of the week it was inserted at about the same time. After washing and drying your hands, hook your index finger under the forward rim or concur the rim between your index and middle fingers. Gently pull out NuvaRing. Place the used NuvaRing in the re-sealable foil pouch and dispose of it in a waste material receptacle out of the reach of children and pets. Practise non throw it in the toilet. Your menstrual period will usually commencement 2 or 3 days after the ring is removed and may not have finished earlier the next ring is inserted. To continue to accept pregnancy protection, you must insert a new ring 1 week (vii days) after the last ane was removed even if your period has not stopped.

For more information, run across Removing NuvaRing or refer to the Patient Information.

When can I start using NuvaRing?

It is important to consult with your health care provider to make sure you lot are non pregnant before starting NuvaRing.

When you start using NuvaRing depends on your current birth control state of affairs. Talk to your wellness care provider and read the Prescribing Data for more than details. Also read some bones directions on how to starting time NuvaRing.

What does NuvaRing feel like when it is in?

Although some women may be enlightened of NuvaRing in the vagina, most women can't feel NuvaRing in one case it's in place. NuvaRing may move around slightly within your vagina. This is normal. If you practice feel discomfort, NuvaRing is probably not fully inserted. In that case, simply use your finger to gently button the NuvaRing every bit far every bit y'all can into your vagina.

Rest assured, there is no danger of NuvaRing being pushed likewise far up in the vagina or getting lost. The cervix (the narrow, lower end of the uterus) will block NuvaRing from going any farther. NuvaRing tin accidentally skid out of the vagina while removing a tampon, during intercourse, or straining during a bowel movement.

Some women take accidentally inserted NuvaRing into their bladder. If you have pain during or later on insertion and you cannot find NuvaRing in your vagina, phone call your health care provider right away.

Volition my partner or I feel NuvaRing during intercourse?

During intercourse, some sexual partners may feel NuvaRing in the vagina. However, in clinical studies 9 out of 10 (90%) partners did not find this to be a problem.

Does NuvaRing protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?

No. Equally with other hormonal birth command methods, NuvaRing does not protect confronting HIV infection (AIDS) or other sexually transmitted infections.

Do hormonal birth control methods cause cancer?

Hormonal nativity command methods practise not seem to cause breast cancer. However, if yous have chest cancer now or take had information technology in the by, do not use hormonal birth control, including NuvaRing, considering some chest cancers are sensitive to hormones.

Women who use hormonal birth command methods may have a slightly higher chance of getting cervical cancer. Nevertheless, this may be due to other reasons such as having more sexual partners.

What should I practise if my NuvaRing comes out of my vagina?

NuvaRing tin can slip or accidentally come up out of (be expelled from) your vagina during sexual intercourse, bowel movements, utilize of tampons, or if it breaks.

  • NuvaRing may break, causing the ring to lose its shape. If the ring stays in your vagina, this should not lower NuvaRing'southward effectiveness at preventing pregnancy.
  • If NuvaRing breaks and slips out of your vagina, throw the broken band in your household trash out of the attain of children and pets.
  • Insert a new NuvaRing. (See Inserting NuvaRing.)
  • You should pay attending when removing a tampon to exist sure that your NuvaRing is non accidentally pulled out.
  • Exist sure to insert NuvaRing before inserting a tampon.
  • If you accidentally pull out your NuvaRing while using tampons, rinse your NuvaRing in absurd to lukewarm (not hot) water and insert it once more correct abroad.
  • NuvaRing can exist pushed out of (expelled from) your vagina, for example, during sexual intercourse or during a bowel move.
  • If the expelled ring has been out of your vagina for less than iii hours, rinse the expelled NuvaRing in absurd to lukewarm (not hot) water and insert it once again right away.
  • If the expelled NuvaRing has been out of your vagina for more than 3 continuous hours:

    During Weeks 1 and 2, you may not be protected from pregnancy. Reinsert the ring as before long as y'all remember. Use another birth command method, such equally male person condoms with spermicide, until the ring has been in place for vii days in a row.

    During Calendar week iii, practise not reinsert the NuvaRing that has been out of your vagina; just throw it abroad in your household trash abroad from children and pets. Use some other birth command method, such as male person condoms with spermicide, until the new NuvaRing has been used for 7 days in a row, following one of the two options below:

    Choice one. Insert a new band right away to start your side by side 21 twenty-four hours NuvaRing use bicycle. You lot may not have your regular menstruum but you may take spotting or vaginal bleeding.

    Option 2. Insert a new ring no later than 7 days from the time the previous band was removed or expelled. During this time, you may have your period.

Notation: You should only choose to practise selection two if you used NuvaRing for vii days in a row, prior to the 24-hour interval that your previous NuvaRing was accidently removed or expelled.

  • If NuvaRing was out of the vagina for an unknown corporeality of time, you may not be protected from pregnancy. Perform a pregnancy test prior to inserting a new band and consult your wellness intendance provider.

Tin NuvaRing get lost inside of me?

No. Rest bodacious that one time inserted in the vagina, at that place is no risk of NuvaRing being pushed besides far up or getting lost. In that location take been some reports of women accidentally inserting NuvaRing into their bladder. If yous are experiencing pain during or subsequently insertion and y'all cannot find your NuvaRing in your vagina, call your health intendance provider right away.

What should I do if I proceed NuvaRing in for too long?

  • If yous exit NuvaRing in your vagina for upwardly to iv weeks (28 days) you volition still be getting pregnancy protection. Remove your old NuvaRing for 1 week (7 days) and insert a new NuvaRing 1 week (seven days) afterwards.
  • If you leave NuvaRing in your vagina longer than 4 weeks (28 days), remove the ring and check to make sure you are non pregnant. If you are not pregnant, insert a new NuvaRing.

You lot must use another birth command method, such as male condoms with spermicide, until the new NuvaRing has been used for 7 days in a row.

What should I do if the ring disconnects?

NuvaRing may break, causing the band to lose its shape. If the ring stays in your vagina, this should non lower the effectiveness of NuvaRing at preventing pregnancy. If NuvaRing breaks and slips out of your vagina, throw the broken band in your household trash out of the attain of children and pets and immediately insert a new ring.

Can I use a tampon when using NuvaRing?

Utilise of tampons will not reduce the contraceptive efficacy of NuvaRing. Insert NuvaRing before inserting a tampon. You should pay particular attention when removing a tampon to be sure that the ring is not accidentally pulled out. If this should occur, just rinse the ring in absurd to lukewarm (not hot) water and immediately reinsert it.

Tin I employ vaginal medications when using NuvaRing?

Use of spermicides or vaginal yeast products will not reduce the contraceptive efficacy of NuvaRing.

What happens if I miss a menstruum when I'thousand using NuvaRing (etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol vaginal band)?

Some women miss periods on hormonal birth control, even when they are non meaning. Consider the possibility that you may be pregnant if:

  • You miss a period and NuvaRing was out for more than than three hours during the iii weeks of ring use
  • You miss a period and waited longer than 1 calendar week to insert a new ring
  • Y'all have followed the instructions and you miss two periods in a row
  • You have left NuvaRing in identify for longer than 4 weeks

If you know or suspect y'all are significant, do not utilise NuvaRing. Run into your health care provider equally soon as possible.

What should I know most my period when using NuvaRing?

When you use NuvaRing you may have bleeding and spotting between periods, chosen unplanned haemorrhage. Unplanned bleeding may vary from slight staining betwixt menstrual periods to breakthrough bleeding, which is a flow much like a regular catamenia. Unplanned haemorrhage occurs most often during the showtime few months of NuvaRing use, but may also occur after you have been using NuvaRing for some fourth dimension. Such bleeding may be temporary and unremarkably does not signal whatever serious problems. It is important to continue using the band on schedule. If the unplanned bleeding or spotting is heavy or lasts for more than a few days, you should hash out this with your health intendance provider.

Can I overdose when using NuvaRing?

Do non use more than than one NuvaRing at a time. As well much hormonal birth control medicine in your body may cause nausea, vomiting, or vaginal bleeding.

Is it all right to employ NuvaRing afterwards the expiration appointment?

No. Earlier inserting NuvaRing, always cheque the expiration date on the characterization. Do not insert if the expiration date has passed. Shop NuvaRing at room temperature for upwards to 4 months later you receive it and throw it abroad if the expiration date on the label has passed.


Source: https://www.nuvaring.com/frequently-asked-questions/

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