what can i inject into my penis to make me hard

This is what got me hard erections fast

A lot of guys enquire me, Matt what's your biggest play tricks in the "go difficult and stay hard" department so I thought I'd spell it out here.

I effigy all guys go older and they remember, own't it natural to lose male person potency, have the occasional limp dick?

2013-08-19_00-04-00 six cute girls with car

I used to recall so only at present I know amend. It's not natural. And y'all can be 90 and have a hard dick. And more than importantly, you tin can be any age and take good strong erections and feel incredible sensation.

But let me get something out of the way well-nigh myself. Lots of guys say, how about them pills? They kinda work, so what's the problem?

I don't agree. I'1000 not saying they're bad. It's just that pills aren't for me.

And then I dumped all those pills and started getting hard naturally

I got rid of all my pills maybe 8 or ix years ago. I am in my 50s and the only pills I have are supplements I buy off Amazon. I don't have a single prescription medication and haven't other than maybe an antibiotic once in a bluish moon.

I'm healthy equally a horse today and I think a reason I'm salubrious is I don't need pills from the md.

So even if those Viagra tabs had worked for me, I wouldn't have taken them. They didn't, I didn't, and and so information technology wasn't an issue.

Turns out, those Viagra/Cialis/Levitra pills only "work" for 6 out of 10 guys…and they do NOT make you feel more sensation in your penis.

So here's my life today. I get more than haul than I e'er did in my whole life. And I feel more than I e'er did.

Haul call almost every morning time and oft at nighttime besides

This morning as usual my wife and I had sex and here I will sound similar I'thou bragging only I'1000 not. We take sex most mornings and it can exist quick, like 15 minutes, or slow, like an hour or longer. I stay hard the entire fourth dimension and the existent point is this.


In the former days ten minutes was a lot, but today 15 minutes is very curt and an hour is often the case.

Just it isn't just that. Because…

What good is a hard cock if y'all aren't feeling much?

It's the sensations that I feel today that are a really of import part of the story.

The sensations and feeling are off the charts. I never had that in my whole life until I learned this stuff I'm telling you about. I describe the pleasure upward into my whole body and it's similar this orgasmic strength all through my trunk for 10, 20 xxx minutes, whatever.

And this has led to something else. I always loved my wife just…

When nosotros kickoff met, I was all over my girl, like every girl I dated. I pawed her, nosotros'd get downwards whereever nosotros were, and I'd practically tear her clothes off. It was horny urban center 24 by 7.

But as our relationship matured, that kinda stopped. And although I'thou a horndog, nosotros're doing it like twice a calendar week. And that's more my married friends.


From loving her to that "tear off her clothes" feeling — the undercover to forever dear?

It isn't that empty peck-on-the-cheek love.

Non anymore.

girl against wall in lingerie

For the last few years, since I discovered this crazy piddling exercise, nosotros are at it like rabbits virtually every day, in the mornings commonly although sometimes in the late afternoon.

It's what has made me firmly totally wildly in beloved with my wife and nosotros're together more than twenty years. I tin can't become enough of her, and she's very sexy and has a cracking bod and people say she looks younger. She's shy about admitting it, merely all this sexual activity is keeping her younger. I'one thousand convinced of it.

And it's great for me. I grow pilus faster. My erect seems bigger, honestly. I feel this testosterone surge all the time. I get semis constantly. Information technology'southward fantastic for my productivity in business, and I simply beat other guys totally and love winning more than than always earlier.

But let's get back to talking about hard cocks and how to get them

Hither's a primal point: it's not just about "performance."

In fact, you can have the hardest dick in the neighborhood and what proficient is it if you experience nothing in information technology? I institute in fact that a fairly soft hardon is improve for existent pleasance than a rock hard rigid rod yous can hang a towel on. So I take a great hard-on with great feeling this morning as e'er.

In fact I draw the pleasance upwards into my whole body (what I phone call pleasure centering) and it'southward like off the charts amazing. I tin't tell you how information technology is, it is just beyond words.

So plenty about my bragging. Just wanted to tell you where I am today, 'k?

At present how bad was it?

Really bad.

I lost my good hard erections and my sensitivity very early…

Alright, then I got my desensitization really early on. Very early, very young, I was cruising the bookstore and I discovered pornography in the bookstore. I could actually purchase this at historic period like 9 and I was a total nerd so I did.

I was wanking it already quite a lot, I can't retrieve how ofttimes but sometimes 6 or 8 times a day.

kissing couple

Then a year or and then later and nosotros movement to another function of L.A. and I meet this child Duke. Knuckles's got rich parents although his dad's a total A-hole and fifty-fifty Duke is actually a butt-head to be honest. Knuckles shows me his dad's collection of diddlejuice videos — porn videos. Those were the days of big expensive VCRs and nigh nobody had them but Duke's dad had one.

And Duke and I would watch. And I'd wank to porn…video porn now…storing up images and wanking it later. (I was too scared to wank with Knuckles, although he told me he and his friends would circle jerk together in the basement…)

So years subsequently…

She wrapped her lips over it, and looked up at me, on her knees with those baby blue optics and lips wrapped tightly around my cock. She could of removed the chrome from a trailer hitch. She was good. And she fabricated these sucking sounds with her lips going over my cock, and deep into her throat.

But Dr. Willie wasn't upwardly to the prescription. Not much anyway.

We finally did the human activity simply it wasn't easy. And it wasn't all that smokin' either. And that was a skillful outcome for me in those days.

So I was one of the early victims of the criminal called desensitization. That series killer of feeling and rock difficult erections.

Why hasn't your physician told you lot most the existent cause of bad erections, going soft and non feeling sensation?

Haven't heard of it equally the cause of erection issues, and premature ejaculation, and difficulty even having an orgasm? Hasn't your medico told you about desensitization?

It is THE cause of penis problems.

The large drug companies educate me, you and everyone else…

At present, all guys have an occasional problem I suppose. I used to. But never, not once, always does this happen to me anymore. I can go and become, and then go again, and hither'south why.

This crazy niggling exercise that brought back my hard-ons and restored my pleasure

I did this silly, crazy little practise. I didn't come up upward with information technology. I didn't discover it. I stumbled on it and I'll tell you how sometime but not now.

Point is…

I figured out that wanking to porn was a big part of causing my desensitization. Duh. And then I stopped. I replaced the wanking that was desensitizing with a crazy little exercise that increases sensitivity.

Hey if you're going to wank, why not go forward rather than backwards?

And I stopped what was hurting my desensitization so I'd regain my sword with women, the sword I never really felt the way I should take.

Now hither's what happened…

Everything got really, actually good. In the sex department and in every other surface area of my life. I was always expert at making money merely non expert at keeping it. Now the money has just been flowing in. And life is and so much easier. There is an ease to everything, even the bad stuff like aging parents and worrying well-nigh my kids…it'due south all and then much easier.

Anyway that's my story. If yous want this for yourself, watch this video in total.


Source: http://www.thirtyminutesormore.com/this-is-what-got-me-hard-erections-fast/

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